Food is important for healthy growth of mind and body. This helps in stopping hunger now. Elders have always been particular about their children eating vegetables. But, children prefer to avoid them, as much as they can. But, no matter what, children need a balanced diet to be healthy.
Potato, tomato, beans, pumpkin, bottle gourd, carrot, beetroot, etc., should be eaten regularly for a healthy life. Or, you end up with ailments that can affect your mental and physical well-being.
By using the different seasonal mixed vegetables like spinach, beans and such others during their respective seasons The Akshaya Patra Foundation ensures that children get a balanced diet all-year-round.
Spinach: Green leafy vegetables like spinach contain antioxidants that combat free radicals. These are absolutely necessary for one to remain healthy and help avoid ailments and physical issues in future. Like spinach, tomatoes too contain antioxidants that fight free radicals.
Free radicals damage contributes to the development of many chronic health problems such as cardiovascular and inflammatory disease, cataract, and cancer. Antioxidants prevent free radical induced tissue damage by preventing the formation of radicals.
Beans: Beans are a great source of nutrition. They contain lysine, an essential amino acid which helps the body convert fatty acids into energy and helps to lower cholesterol. They also contain folate, a B vitamin which affects neurotransmitters that can boost your mood. It is among the important vegetable which ensures you stop Hidden Hunger.
Brinjal: Brinjal is rich in minerals such as potassium which is good for metabolism, and magnesium which helps to relax your muscles and can aid in improving your sleep. If you lack vitamin B and K this is a good vegetable. The skin has extra nasunin, a nutrient and antioxidant which has anti-ageing properties.
Pumpkin: Pumpkins contain essential nutrients such as folic acid, manganese, vitamin C and zinc, all known to help in strengthening the body's natural immune system.
Brussel Sprouts (mini cabbage): Not only are sprouts rich in vitamin C and K, which help to maintain healthy bones, they also contain carotenoids, essential for supporting good vision. Sprouts are a great source of vitamin C and also contain very low sodium and fat content, making them a great vegetable for supporting heart's health.
These and more are used by Akshaya Patra to Feed the Children Now. You can participate in this initiative by donating towards the Foundation and eradicating classroom hunger.
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