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A Collaboration of Corporates to Nourish and Nurture Children

Feeding the future now, we can ensure we live in a healthy nation

For a person to live a healthy life, a proper diet is a must. It is more so in case of children who are in their growing years. A balanced diet can ensure that the immunity of a person is well maintained.

Feed a child

Some of the NGOs in India play a major role in ensuring that school-going children are able to get a full meal. Malnourished children experience developmental delays, weight-loss and illness as a result of inadequate intake of protein, calories and other nutrients. Anaemia, osteomalacia/rickets are among the diseases that could affect children who do not get a balanced diet.

The Akshaya Patra Foundation’s mid-day meals supplied to thousands of schools ensures healthy and balanced diet for children. As a part of the Feed The Future Now campaign, the NGO is trying to reach 5 million children by 2020.

Chronic undernutrition is said to plague more than 925 million people worldwide. Prolonged deficiency leads to malnutrition. Human body can easily fall prey to diseases if the body is not well-nourished. When children face malnutrition they tend to fall ill more often than those children who have a well-balanced and nutritious food. Hidden hunger is also considered to be a major reason for malnourished children.

Well, this situation can be banished or relegated to history if you make charity donations. Akshaya Patra also ensures that every rupee you donate reaches the children. They get to eat a healthy mid-day meal from the nutritious value the food contains. The food is cooked in state-of-the-art kitchen which ensures that there is a minimal wastage of the resources.

Perhaps it’s only a matter of time when India will be free of malnourishment among children with the numerous efforts being made. Be a part of the change, feed a child today to ensure that they remain healthy and attend school regularly.


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