The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines hidden hunger as lack of vitamins and minerals in the food we consume. A child is usually fed a meal with all the necessary nutrients for his body to supplement his physical and mental growth. But what happens when he is deprived of a quality meal? Feed The Future Now, a movement started by Akshaya Patra, aims to eradicate hidden hunger.
Nutrition, WHO says, is “the intake of food, considered in relation to the body’s dietary needs.” This means just getting food is not enough; children need the right amount of nutrients in proportion to the body type and weight.
Hidden hunger is slowly affecting our country as we still strive to fathom the depth of this problem. The Global Hunger Index 2016 rated India as a country with ‘serious’ hunger levels with fifth highest GHI score in Asia. Now what does it imply?
It means there are millions of people, especially children, suffer from hidden hunger. This directly impacts a child’s ability to perceive things around them, to function as a healthy human and to grasp lessons. Their academic performance also bears the brunt of hidden hunger. When children are not fed, they experience chronic hunger leading to cognitive impairment.
Hidden hunger, therefore, is directing impacting our future. As a nation, we are not producing healthy citizens contributing for the growth of the society. We are only rearing underfed insecure citizens.
Feed The Future Now is the need of the hour. When you choose to join this revolution, you are feeding a bright future. Feed a child today.
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